Photo: Peter Shaw

Well 2011 has been another big year of action here at Stokes Sporthorses and like all operations requires many helping hands and supporters. A massive thank-you to Sara Price for her constant support, wisdom and hours of help.
My parents Marg and Barry Stokes and Susan and Geoff Price for all the support they provide. Of course we couldn’t do it without some super horses so I must thank the owners of competition horses throughout this season:
Kate Barton of Narbethong Equestrian Park
The Woods Family
Gill Botten
The Price family of Gesusa Park
Barry and Margaret Stokes
And all the other owners who have trusted Stokes Sporthorses with their treasured companions throughout the season. My loyal supporters including Jennie at Horseland Maddington and Michael from Oakford Equine Hospital. Also, I couldn’t do it without the ongoing support that my coaches provide so thank you to Glennis Barrey and Alison Rowlands for always going over and above to help and support our ambitions. All the staff who help keep Stokes Sporthorses ticking over thank you for your passion, commitment and hard work. All the clients and friends who trust me and support me thoughout the season - We couldn’t do it without you.