Tom would like to thank all the people whose support has made 2011 such a successful competition year – the Langbeckers, Tripps, Brookes, Hunter and Dean families. Carole and Gene Mason, Monika Rodger (web design), EA, ENSW, NSWIS. To Steph, Tess and Jye for helping out at home and shows. It has been another great year with memorable highlights being:
* Winning my first World Cup Qualifier
* Sydney Royal Champion Showjumping Rider
* Australian Junior Showjumping Champion
To our sponsors whose support and help is invaluable
* Ranvet who specialise in equine nutrition and supplements.
They have helped to keep our horses healthy and ready for top level competition.
* Zilco have provided us with a great range of rugs to protect our horses from Australia’s extreme weather.
* Galahad Group and James and Sons Premium Horses Feeds for supplying our horses with such a fantastic range of horse feeds.
* Equiline Italia for providing Tom with a range of riding clothes which are stylish and comfortable to wear while remaining practical.
Shrimpton Lodge
Olympic Hwy, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650
0412 692 275