Abglanz was perhaps the most influential stallion of modern times in the Hanoverian breeding district, and his infusion of Trakehner lightness and ‘blood’ can be clearly seen in today’s modern Hanoverian horse.... more

Absatz was by one of the Trakehners who arrived in Hanover after WW2, and he did much to refine, and modernise the Hanoverian horse...... more

Acord II
Acord II was an instant success - first in his stallion test, then at the Bundeschampionate - and then as a sire - he brought the blood of Almé to Hanover...... more

Ahorn Z
He was the first really important stallion to bring the blood of Almé to Holstein, Ahorn Z... more

All Star 5
All Star was an international jumping star - now he has retired from the competition arena, and the breeding world is waiting to see if he can revive the "A" line of Argentinus... more

The greatest son of Ibrahim, Almé is one of the four stallions that dominate jumping breeding...... more

The offspring of Amor had a reputation for being difficult but his influence can still be clearly seen in today’s Dutch performance horses.... more

Ampère is perhaps the perfect example of the multi-national reality of today’s breeding world.... more