Martina Hannöver Downunder

December 3rd, 2014
It was amazing to see the difference in the horses after a just a few days, and mostly it seems to come from a critical couple of centimetres in the length of the neck, but really it is not the neck itself that is important, it is what the neck shows us about the rest of the body... Read Article Comments Off on Martina Hannöver Downunder

Martina Hannöver – The Walk is Not a Rest…

The young Rubinsteins don’t usually show much of a trot, but this one can stretch a bit even at this stage, and for a baby, he has such lovely natural balance... Read Article Comments Off on Martina Hannöver – The Walk is Not a Rest…

Miguel Tavora – Going into collection laterally… Part 2

I start again at walk by doing a small circle around the inside leg in the shoulder-in position. When I feel the horse round, supple, forward and on the bit, I stop the action of my inside leg (it stays in the same place on ‘stand by’) and I increase the action of my outside leg in order to bring his hindquarters in... Read Article Comments Off on Miguel Tavora – Going into collection laterally… Part 2

Otto Becker – Facing his biggest jump

German showjumping ace Otto Becker has taken on one of Germany’s toughest jobs – coach of the showjumping team at a time of turmoil and crisis! When he decided it was time to retire his great showjumping horse, Cento – still at the top at the age of 17 – Otto Becker started thinking about […] Read Article Comments Off on Otto Becker – Facing his biggest jump

Opening up the French Studbook

Once the most closed of the European studbooks, now the French horse is a cosmopolitan mix from all over Europe... Read Article Comments Off on Opening up the French Studbook

The Two Great Thoroughbred Performance lines…

…Precipitation and Bay Ronald When we look at the antecedents of the modern Sporthorse, there are two names that crop up over and over again, the two Thoroughbreds, Precipitation and Bay Ronald. Precipitation Precipitation has had an enormous influence not just on jumping breeding but also on dressage mainly through his son, the French Thoroughbred, […] Read Article 1 Comment »

Rafael Soto – Training in hand…

Rafael Soto is a fascinating guy. One of the stars of the Royal School of Andalusian Equestrian Art in Jerez, he is also a top competitive rider on the international dressage stage, and will be a key member in the Spanish Dressage Team at the World Championships in his home town later this year... Read Article Comments Off on Rafael Soto – Training in hand…

Rozzie Ryan talks about taking Jive Magic into the FEI ranks

Pretty much they tell you how quickly you can train them. I’m pretty pleased with the way he is going. He is six and a half now, and he doesn’t feel stressed or stretched in any way. We are working on the piaffe and passage... Read Article Comments Off on Rozzie Ryan talks about taking Jive Magic into the FEI ranks

Shannon Tonkin takes a lesson with Bimbo Peilicke

Siegfried ‘Bimbo’ Peilicke is a legend in Germany – he is a trainer’s trainer, a man with a legendary eye and the expertise that comes from having produced scores of FEI dressage horses. In Australia, we are lucky that the then twenty-one year Glennis Scott struck up such a warm friendship with Bimbo in the […] Read Article Comments Off on Shannon Tonkin takes a lesson with Bimbo Peilicke

Sires’ rankings Up to 2008 – 2009

The WBFSH stallion rankings have always caused debate, this article examines how they have changed over the years, and how they compare with some of the other rankings…. Read Article Comments Off on Sires’ rankings Up to 2008 – 2009