Vitalisation sold for €67,000

May 14th, 2022
A stunning price for a stunning foal at the latest Verden Foal auction. By Vitalis out of an Apache mare - really bred for dressage.... Read Article Comments Off on Vitalisation sold for €67,000

Dressage as Art in Competition

April 27th, 2022
It's the exercise Nuno Oliveira called 'the asprin of dressage' - the shoulder-in. Olympic dressage rider, John Winnett explains how, and when, to train this essential dressage exercise... Read Article 1 Comment »

Breeding at the World Cup Jumping Final 2022

April 21st, 2022
It was great for the World Cup Final to get back on track, but this year's finalists had the pedigree buffs wondering. Gemma Alexander and Christopher Hector analyse the breeding... Read Article Comments Off on Breeding at the World Cup Jumping Final 2022

Verden: The Bid Up starts on Saturday

April 17th, 2022
The action is hotting up in Verden, bidding in the April Auction of young horses starts on Saturday... Have you picked the horse of your dreams? Read Article Comments Off on Verden: The Bid Up starts on Saturday

Verden Auction – The hurly-burly begins

April 12th, 2022
57 wonderful riding horses await your inspection! The April collection at the Verden Auction is simply sensational - find the horse for you... Read Article Comments Off on Verden Auction – The hurly-burly begins

Will Weihegold win again?

April 5th, 2022
Isabell and Weihegold, can the superstars win another World Cup Final. Louise Parkes previews the Final... Read Article Comments Off on Will Weihegold win again?

Hubertus Schmidt: A Masterpiece from a Modern Master

April 1st, 2022
German Grand Prix rider and trainer, Hubertus Schmidt explains his training principles... Read Article 1 Comment »

Exciting riding horses in the Verden Auction

March 29th, 2022
Another fabulous collection of Riding Horses comes under the hammer in Verden in April - check out the details, and catalogue with video clips... Read Article Comments Off on Exciting riding horses in the Verden Auction

Start of great careers

March 25th, 2022
It's been running for twenty five years and the Hannoveraner freejumping program continues to identify world class stars that go on to the big sport... Read Article Comments Off on Start of great careers

The REAL basics with Hans Heinrich Meyer zu Strohen

There is perhaps no concept in dressage as misunderstood as 'the basics', and there is no dressage trainer more ably equipped to explain exactly what the term means than Hans Heinrich Meyer zu Strohen... Read Article Comments Off on The REAL basics with Hans Heinrich Meyer zu Strohen